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When Text Speaks
Learning to Read & Reading to Learn

Denise E. Ross
Kennesaw State University
R. Douglas Greer
Teachers College, Columbia University

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When Text Speaks: Learning to Read and Reading to Learn is built on many decades of research, including research for implementing research findings in a few model schools for the range of children from ages 16 months through elementary school, as well as research for extending those findings to secondary students. 

When professionals describe a science-based approach to education, the description often does not distinguish between (a) a science that has identified the most effective curricular objectives that should be taught versus (b) a science that identifies how to teach any given objective. The “science of reading” usually refers to what one should teach if students are to learn to read and read to learn. For example, a science of what to teach in reading specifies the evidence supporting the teaching of phonemes, curriculum-based assessment, mastery of the goals identified by a science of reading, and a love of reading, fluency, and prosody. 

On the other hand, what the contributors of this book identify as a strategic science of teaching (SST) identifies how to teach the goals identified by the science of reading. This includes: (a) effective moment-to-moment teaching operations; (b) continuous measurement of moment-to-moment outComes of teaching; (c) procedures to ensure these practices are done reliably; (d) procedures to teach teachers standard first-step effective practices from educational psychology research; (d) individualized practices for students for whom standard effective practices do not work; and (e) procedures to teach students to learn to learn independently. 

The purpose of this book is to bring the two sciences together to provide a complete and more effective reading education.