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Bill Webber, Publisher

Bill Webber has over 40 years of experience in college textbook publishing.  He has held positions in sales, marketing, and editorial, and has published hundreds of textbooks from the freshman through the graduate level.

Bill began his career in 1978 as a Prentice Hall sales representative, and after three years in the field he moved to the home office as marketing manager for the social sciences.  In 1983 Bill began his tenure as Prentice Hall's editor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Communication Disorders textbooks, culminating with the 1987 publication of John Macionis' Sociology , which has been the dominant book in its field for more than thirty years.  In 1987, Bill moved on to Prentice Hall's Economics list, where he developed and published the first edition of Karl Case and Ray Fair's Principles of Economics , which is one of the top-selling economics texts in the discipline.

In late 1989, Bill accepted the challenge of modernizing Prentice Hall's sales force and pioneered the use of laptop computers by the college sales staff.  The system he developed allowed PH representatives to create teaching profiles for all of their professors and quickly match each new year's publishing list with the courses each professor normally teaches.  Sampling of textbooks became faster and more efficient, fueling Prentice Hall's explosive growth during the 1990s and early part of the 21st century. 

From 1993 through early 1997, Bill was editor of Prentice Hall's Management Accounting list,  and then served as editor and marketing director at Houghton-Mifflin for David Ellis' best-selling Becoming a Master Student , overseeing a sales increase to over 270,000 copies in a single year.

From 1997 to 2000, Bill returned to Prentice Hall to manage the Psychology editorial team, and from 2000 through mid-2004 learned the intricacies of publishing high-quality books in a small publishing environment at Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Over the past thirty years, the large college textbook publishing companies have continued to concentrate their expertise and marketing muscle in the highly competitive arena of introductory book publishing.  At the same time, they have diverted resources from their advanced-level textbooks and compromised their ability to develop and promote them effectively.  Realizing the opportunities extent in developing a top-notch upper-division list, Bill launched Sloan Publishing in 2004.  He and his company are committed to serving the needs of authors crafting textbooks for junior- and senior-level courses.