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To Heal the World
My Life in Medicine, Poetry, and Public Health

Norbert Hirschhorn, M.D.
. 183 pages / paper / $9.95
ISBN 978-1-59738-111-6

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This is the autobiography of Norbert Hirschhorn, M.D., an extraordinary  Austrian-born American public health physician. He was one of the inventors and developers of the life-saving method called Oral Rehydration Therapy for adults and children suffering fluid loss from cholera and other infectious diarrheal illnesses. He is also a poet.

This book outlines his life from its beginnings in Vienna, Austria through emmigration to the United States, childhood in New York City, high school at the Bronx High School of Science, undergraduate years at Columbia College, and then matriculation from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Hirschhorn describes his life and times in public health, with particular attention paid to his development of Oral Rehydration Therapy.