

Foreword by A. Charles Catania
A Doctor’s Prologue  1

  1. Why I Became a Doctor Even Though I Hated 
  Medical School  11
  2. How I Came to Love Medicine at Boston City 
  Hospital  25
  3. Diarrhea, After All  37
  4  Boston Boston, Home of the Bean and 
  the Cod  61
  5. I Do Good Work with the White Mountain 
  Apaches  67
  6. Now What? Into the Public Health Consulting 
  Business  79
  7. My Brilliant Career Takes Off  87
  8. JSI Enters the Major Leagues 117
  9. I Become My Own Boss  125
10. I Become an Academic After All  131
11. I Become an Bureaucrat After All  137
12. A Document Detective at WHO  147
13. From New Haven to Helsinki  155
14. I Shuttle Between Beirut and London  159
15. Ave Atque Vale  165

A Poet’s Epilogue  171

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