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Proactive and Practical Decision
   Making for Behavior Analysts

Linda A. LeBlanc
   LeBlanc Behavioral Consulting, Inc.
Amanda Karsten
   Grand Valley State University

Now available!
ISBN: 978-1-59738-160-4
428 pages / paper / $59.95

Table of Contents
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LeBlanc and Karsten outline a proactive, practical approach to ethics and ethical problem solving that is informed by history and a behavior analytic worldview. 

The text is designed to help graduate students and early career behavior analysts develop proactive and humble approaches to ethical dilemmas as opposed to reactive and/or self-righteous approaches. Part One establishes the importance of the foundational principles and values underlying the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts as well as some historical events that have evolved our understanding of human rights. This portion of the book explains the importance of analyzing the circumstances that lead to unethical behavior and common but unproductive reactions to unethical behavior (e.g., avoidance). Part Two reviews each section of the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts with an emphasis on the underlying values and importance of each standard, strategies for developing positive ethics and preventing problems, and finally application of a five-step problem-solving model to scenarios. Part Three provides guidance for ethics in everyday practice focusing on: a) strategies for continual refinement of one’s ethical knowledge and decision making; b) the role of self-management and self-care in ethics; c) recruiting or creating communities of practice for ethics; and d) strategies for creating and strengthening ethical decision making across professional environments.