Section 1 Foundations of a Proactive and Practical Approach
1. History, Underlying Values, and Personal Relevance of the Ethics Code
2. Learning from History: Evolution of Ethical Standards in the Twentieth Century
3. Understanding Responses to Ethical Dilemmas
4. Defining a Proactive, Systematic Approach
Section 2 The BACB Ethics Code
5. Section 1: Responsibility as a Professional
6. Section 2: Responsibility in Practice
7. Section 3: Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders
8. Section 4: Responsibility to Supervisors and Trainees
9. Section 5: Responsibility in Public Statements
10. Section 6: Responsibility in Research
Section 3 Facilitating Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Practice
11. The Role of Self-Management in Ethical Practice
12. Refining Your Skills through Lifelong Learning and Growth
13. Creating Communities of Practice and Ethics Networks
14. Summary and Conclusion
Appendix A: The BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts
Appendix B: BCBA Ethics Self-Assessment
Appendix C: RBT Ethics Self-Assessment
Name Index
Subject Index
ISBN 978-1-59738-160-4 / 420 pages / paper