Forward: Richard Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations
1. Introduction: Democracy and Democratization: Challenges and Opportunities
Patrick Campbell
2. The Authoritarian Comeback
Arch Puddington
3. Does Democracy Matter for Economic Development?
Wade Channell
4. Political Radicalism: A Continual Challenge to Democracy
Elizabeth Verardo
5. Democracy and Religious Conflict: Limits and Opportunities of American Civil Religion
Brandon Colas
6. State Power and Internet Governance: Balancing Democratic Institutions and Optimal Outcomes
Aaron F. Brantly
7. Social Media and Democracy Promotion: A Public Diplomacy Perspective
Keith Hughes
8. Rouhani Might Be a Mullah, But He’s Our Mullah: Supporting the Liberalization of Iran Through the Political Economy
Alex Deep
9. Settling for Stability: America’s Middle East Policy After the Arab Spring
Patrick J. Bell
10. The Democratization of China’s One-Party Socialist State: A Political Impossibility or an Ineluctable Outcome?
James Daniel
11. Post-Soviet Russia: Democracy Out of Sight?
Isaac Wisniewski
12. Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
Brandon Parrish
13. Democratic Challenges of the European Union
Evren Çelik Wiltse
14. Public Will Versus Public Interest: Should We Reform Our Presidential Selection System?
Patrick Campbell
14. Disapointed Democrats: The New Normal in Latin American Politics
Rebecca Root
16. The Last Stage of Perfection: America’s Politicized Officer Corps and Its Apolitical Ideak
Lukas Berg