List of Contributors
Forward: Madeleine Albright
Preface: Robert L. Caslen, Superintendent, U.S. Military Academy
1. Does Inequality Matter?
Hugh Liebert
2. Separate But Unequal: Do Race, Gender, and Class
Still Matter?
Nathan Strickland
3. Collective Defense, Disjointed Security: Exploring European
Threat, Defense Policy, and Capacity Inequalities
Thomas Burns
4. The Gamble of Democracy: The Popularity of Political Islam
and What It Means for Middle Eastern Women
Jonathan Couch
5. Inequality in Latin America
Patrick Kriz
6. The Inverse Care Law: Inequity in Health Status and Access
to Health Care in Africa
Bonnie Kovatch
7. The Bear's Matryoshka: Power, Democracy, Equality,
and Decline
Aaron Brantly
8. A Different Rebalance: Confronting Destabilizing Inequalities
in the People's Republic of China
Mary McGovney
9. Of Populations and Power: Demography, the Rise of
the BRICS and U.S. National Security
Hugh Liebert and Regina Parker
10. Cooperation under the Cybersecurity Dilemma
Shawn W. Lonergan
11. Go Goliath! Light Footprints and the Challenge of
Asymetric Warfare
Cole Pinheiro
12. Responsibility to Protect: Perspectives and Political
Challenges of Intervention
Chad Fitzgerald
13. The Uneven Spread of Democracy: An Assessment of
Global Trends
Thomas Sherlock
14. The Economic, Political, and Social Implications of
International Trade on Equality
Dean Dudley
15. "Let Them Eat Carbon Credits:
Corbett Baxter
16. The Military as Mirror: Should the Military Be Representa-
tive of American Society?
Thomas "Nate" Garner