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Collective Violence

Collective Violence
Second Edition

Steven Barkan University of Maine
Lynne Snowden, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Now available!

ISBN 1-59738-014-8 / 2008
220 pages / paper / Student price $38.95

Table of Contents
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Riots, revolution, terrorism, genocide, and other forms of collective violence have shaped the historical landscape and remain an important feature of modern life. Now in its second edition, Collective Violence examines the sources, dynamics, and consequences of this violence in the world today and in centuries past. Although this type of violence easily arouses strong opinions and is difficult to discuss objectively, Collective Violence provides a balanced perspective grounded in the fields of history, political science, psychology, and sociology.

This second edition has been completely updated with new material covering the post-9/11 world and the latest research on the many forms of collective violence. It now includes three chapters on cults; hate groups, ethnic conflict, and genocide; and gangs, survivalists, and militias to replace the one chapter that covered all these topics in the first edition.


Collective Violence is appropriate as a core text or supplement for courses on collective violence, social movements, and social conflict commonly found in departments of criminology and criminal justice, history, justice studies, political science, and sociology.